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The Three Letter Word that Will Sabotage All

So, what’s the three letter word that will kill relationships in families, ministries, businesses, and even nations? EGO … Yes I said it!!

Ego: an inflated opinion of self; an exaggerated sense of self-importance and a feeling of superiority to other people.

Let’s look at Leah and Rachel in the Bible. The relationship between Leah and Rachel was very different than the relationship between Mary and Elizabeth. Leah and Rachel were not happy about the sharing that was going on among them and Jacob. Rachel demanded Jacob to give her children, but it was her attitude that was holding up the progress. She became envious of her sister and mad at Jacob, like he was God. She did the ‘Sarah thing’ and sent him to her handmaiden to have children. The two sisters and their handmaidens were in a fierce competition birthing babies to win Jacob’s approval. They were not passing the baton like Mary and Elizabeth. They were in their own struggle, just like the two brothers that were in Rebekah’s womb. This was a generational issue!

Leah was not as beautiful as Rachel. The Bible says that Leah’s eyes were tender (weak), therefore Rachel must have had stunning eyes (Genesis 29:17). This proves that man looks at the outward beauty, while God looks at the heart. God also sees the future … man cannot. Man is drawn by beauty, but Proverbs 31 says, “It is vain, and a woman who fears God should be praised.”

Crazy thing is both Leah and Rachel wanted the same things but rather than coming together, they sought to take each other out! Remember that small three letter word called ‘EGO’ will keep you blind, barren, and bitter!

Let Go and Let God!

Discover ... Uncover ... Recover with Dr. Dorie McKnight

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