We start life as a blank canvas.
Our first coat of paint is the afterbirth. Once cleaned off, the first stroke of paint to be applied to our canvas comes from the hands of our parents. They are God's tools to help shape and put purpose on the canvas. Some have great parents, and others not so great parents, but, regardless, God displays His glory in us and through us in the long run.
As life goes on, other people enter our life with the brush of greatness. They can leave a smudge or reveal a good portion of the picture God is painting. Some things, He may even paint over to blend another color in to change the outcome of the image. Some things will be stripped away to reveal what is hidden under the surface.
There will be many brushes of experience and it will take a lifetime for the Masterpiece that God has created you to be to be fully revealed. Once you become a priceless work of art, people become intrigued by how and what you went through to become what you are. They have no clue about your personal years of processing.
To paint means to smear, cover, coat, and spread.
A blank canvas is just that … without the brushes of greatness.
Just thinking of examples in the Bible using these definitions made my head swim. To smear means to anoint with oil. In Psalm 23, King David said He anoints my head with oil.
Through it all the GOAT, the Greatest of All Time, has got you covered
May He anoint your head with oil in 2023. You shall be revealed.
Discover ... Uncover ... Recover with Dr. Dorie McKnight