Following a leader can be a tricky thing. Sometimes they start off well but end up in trouble. The best examples to follow are the those that God honored in the Bible. There is always a lesson to learn in the Good Book.
As we read the Word of God concerning the call to leadership, it is important that we immediately deal with the “little foxes” that have been revealed or recognized. Through my observations and studying God’s Word, one of the things that turns “little foxes” into “big wolves” is not having balance in your life. This is a result of having very little discipline, which leads to bad habits and addictions that are outright blatant or subtle. You can’t be disciplined and please God by doing things your way. It may seem better, but in the end, you will learn God knows all. He is sovereign and will step in to chasten and correct those He loves to restore order. (Hebrews 12:6)
For this reason, discipline should be taught in the early stages of a person’s calling because:
It develops the type of leader God needs to build His kingdom.
It instructs and educates, drills, prepares, and develops order under a rule or authority.
It helps you develop a controlled lifestyle.
It builds confidence, teaches obedience, instills humility, and the ability to follow commands.
No one wants to see their flaws and have to change them to fulfill a call. That’s why it’s important that we obey and allow God to redefine our character as He gives us continual chances to change. I believe if all leaders would put a greater emphasis on yielding to the spirit man versus the flesh, there would be a continuous unceasing amount of good success throughout the Body of Christ.
Are you disciplining your life? Remember, disciplining your life will raise up the standards in your life and help you continue your calling to endure and run this race to the end.
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