God can call anyone to service at any time, but we must make ourselves available to Him. We must prepare ourselves not just for God's call but for our call to the world and humanity. Serving God is like serving in the Armed Forces. In His army, He will provide the training that will prepare you to fulfill the call. It is important to go in with the attitude to serve faithfully and to be loyal and dedicated to the cause. The same applies if you are studying to be a doctor or lawyer. There are protocols and ethics for whatever occupation or organization you desire to become a part of.
As a soldier of the Lord, you must be willing to die to your flesh so He may live through you. You can’t just look and dress the part but lack the guts to carry out the commission. God’s Armed Forces require you to be strong, courageous and surrender to the Commander In Chief. Once the oath is made, stay true to your covenant that says you will obey His code of ethics. You're in His Army now!
Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. (2 Timothy 2b)
Discover ... Uncover ... Recover with Dr. Dorie McKnight