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A Queen Without a Throne

Now Deborah, a prophet, the wife of Lappidoth, was leading Israel at that time. She held court under the Palm of Deborah between Ramah and Bethel in the hill country of Ephraim, and the Israelites went up to her to have their disputes decided. ( Judges 4:4-5)

Deborah was the fourth Judge who ruled over the Children of Israel after coming out of Egypt for forty years. She operated with favor using her God-given spiritual authority as a prophetic voice for the nation.

Her office was not in a palace but under a palm tree in the wilderness. A place where she handled matters of justice and heard the people’s disputes. Deborah took her position seriously. She did not waste any time defending her natural location because of what others may have thought of her. She knew it was her spiritual position of delivering wisdom and the Word of God that mattered … not where she did it. Your location doesn’t prevent you from making a difference. You can speak God’s wisdom whenever and wherever you are!

Don't spend time wondering when you will receive an open door to preach. Start speaking to whom and where God tells you. Preaching in elaborate places is not necessarily the forum that allows the spirit of God to have liberty. Don't assume based on appearance. Make sure people know you by your character, your belief in justice, and your servant heart … not by your title.

Do you have what it takes to lead? God is looking for good leaders so that He can make great leaders!

Discover ... Uncover ... Recover with Dr. Dorie McKnight

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